Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cassandra's Lesson Plan

Hopefully this can be read. If it is too difficult for you to make out, just let me know and I can type it all out on a blog post instead of attaching screenshots of my lesson plan. Happy art making!


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  3. Learning Outcomes: Students will…
    1. Recognize how indecision can affect the outcome of a situation.
    2. Apply the ideas of indecision to life, starting with art.

    • Paper
    • Pencils, Erasers, Pen and Ink, Crayons
    • Paint (acrylic, watercolor)
    • Materials for Collage

    1. Motivation: Students will watch a preview for The Story Trek and write down their thoughts.
    2. Discussion: The class will discuss the theme of indecision in Hamlet, especially using certain quotes.
    3. Think-Pair-Share: Students will brainstorm examples or ways that indecision can have positive or negative effects. The class will also discuss the ideas presented in The Story Trek. (Examples: Custer’s Last Stand, BYUtv’s The Story Trek, etc.)
    4. Art History: the class will look at the works of Surrealists, especially the work of Jean Arp, and discuss the affects of indecision in these works.
    5. Production: Students will start with a piece of paper. Using a system to choose random numbers, the students will create their artwork not based on decision, but chance and a set list of tasks. Each task must be completed in fifteen minutes.

    Discussion Questions
    1. Where can you see the theme of indecision in Hamlet?
    2. What does Hamlet say about indecision in his soliloquy from Act 2 Scene 2?
    3. What do you think of Hamlet’s words, “May my thoughts be bloody?”
    4. When can indecision be a positive and/or negative thing?

    Frottage: a technique in the visual arts of obtaining textural effects or images by rubbing lead, chalk, charcoal, etc., over paper laid on a granular or relief like surface.
    Collage: a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another

    Formative 1.Students will turn in their Brainstorming sheet for their Think-Pair-Share Activity
    Summative 2. The students will turn in their artwork with a rubric that both student and teacher will complete for a grade.

    → The number of tasks could be narrowed or expanded depending on the time frame of the activity.
    →Other tasks could also be used that would suit the needs of the classroom.

    Why not have a group or combined class activity?
    The students could combine their ideas and skills into a group or class project

    An episode clip of The Story Trek in which the interviewer, Todd, finds people to interview as randomly as possible.
    Describing the events of the Battle of Little Big Horn and the effects of General Custer’s indecision.
    Article about Jean Arp and his works, especially his “Collage Arranged According to the Laws of Random Chance.”
    Information about Jean Arp through the Guggeheim Museum.

    1. Cover your paper with one color
    2. Draw a doodle
    3. Draw with a pencil
    4. Step on your artwork to make marks
    5. Use another part of your body to make marks
    6. Paint with acrylic
    7. Use a stick to make marks
    8. Incorporate collage
    9. Use pen and ink
    10. Paint without a paint brush
    11. Draw negative shapes that you see
    12. Sand back some of your work
    13. Use numbers or stencils
    14. Use a material that you have never used before for art
    15. Use water to make marks
    16. Incorporate frottage
    17. Draw with crayons
    18. Incorporate shading
    19. Repeat a shape
    20. Cut into or crop your work
